Welcome to Inner Works, my name is Rob Taylor. I’m an author, poet, and photographer. I am also a certified metaphysics and consciousness coach. I write and speak about metaphysics, inner work, and consciousness expansion. I’m available for free online coaching engagements related to consciousness expansion and inner work.

Thank you for taking the time to visit.

My photography portfolio is available for viewing at https://robtaylor-photography.com

“Community, in the absolute context, implies that the human being is simultaneously the part and the whole.”

Rob Taylor, The Irreducible Primary: A Dialogue on Nature, Spirituality, and the Human Condition

It begins with the first experience—an encounter with higher consciousness. No drugs, no extraordinary events or influences. A moment of existential clarity propelling us to the limits of critical thinking. And then?

I am a California native and I’ve traveled to and lived in several countries. I’ve been fortunate, having experienced the many cultures I encountered during my time in the US, Canada, Mexico, Japan, the Philippines, England, Scotland, the Netherlands, France, Israel, Belize, and South Africa.

During the fifty-plus years of my consciousness journey, certain truths have become apparent regarding widely held beliefs specific to consciousness evolution. Prevailing concepts and “teachings” deemed necessary for consciousness expansion, such as mindfulness, the subconscious, the mind, and “thought energy” are consistently misleading and misrepresented, if not completely untrue. For this reason, considerable frustration and disappointment are often experienced by those individuals who have a genuine desire for consciousness insight.


Consciousness is commonly aligned with “soul,” or the eternal essence of sentient beings. Consciousness work begins with learning how we choose to influence. The shift to a functional expanded consciousness reveals our access to greater insight, guidance and wisdom, and requires the human being to become her or his own experiment, simultaneously fulfilling the roles of the observer and the observed. Consciousness expansion is unique to the human species and is emerging as a distinct evolutionary paradigm.

Inner Work

Inner work is the cause and effect examination of how we process our observations in relation to emotions, thoughts, inner dialogue, contemplation, and meditation. Most importantly, inner work activates the three constructs essential to consciousness expansion: gratitude, compassion, and harmony.


The unique experiences related consciousness expansion are not possible without meditation and inner work. Meditation is often considered synonymous to contemplation. Core meditation practice relates to the expansion of individual and collective consciousness. Contemplation produces insight to specific matters.



The brain processes our observations (from the five sensing mechanisms, memories, visualizations, etc.) as raw data which begins a complex operation of influencing energies and inner dialogues. The brain is also a magnificent organizer of memories and the master choreographer of our bodily systems.


The physical body is an expression of our consciousness. The efficiency and health of our body is determined by our effort to enhance the dominant energies moving within and around us. The body is meant to sustain and protect us during our consciousness journey and must be honoured accordingly.

“If we cannot aspire to and attain love of each other, sustainable love for any facet of nature is inconceivable.”

Rob Taylor, The Irreducible Primary: A Dialogue on Nature, Spirituality, and the Human Condition


©Rob Taylor, 2006-2024

Rob Taylor created and owns all written material, photography, video, and artwork, except all embedded YouTube music videos which are owned by the respective artists or legal representatives of same. Rob Taylor Photography is copyright protected and  inner-works.today is copyright or trademark protected. The site logo, Inner Works™, is copyright and trademark protected. Except for the embedded YouTube videos, none of the material in this site may be used, in any form, without written permission from Rob Taylor. The respective YouTube artists or legal representatives should be contacted regarding specific permissions related to their protected work.